Responding with a Right Heart


Let’s Come Out Of This Upside-Down!

Rounding the corner of a year since the world went into lock-down, we can look not only at the past year of abnormalities and obstacles that had to be overcome, but also to the future. The future may not be as simple as returning to the beginning of 2020. For one thing, we are in an entirely new calendar year. 

Many of us wish we could simply rewind. For so many reasons -- and most of them would likely be the immense loss of this last year: loss of a job, a home, a loved one, the loss of normalcy. There are certainly many things that can also be lifted as moments of hope and joy throughout the year. Now, as we look to the (hopefully) near future of some semblance of a return to normalcy, we have the opportunity to make a self-examination. To pause and reflect, and to plan and respond.

Responding with a Right Heart

In addition to the freeing new start for an intentional working for God, everyone could do some reset on hearts and attitudes. It is an excellent opportunity to turn your worst habits and character traits “upside down.” The Scripture says you are “a new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17). Perhaps you are “newly new.” It is a great time to figure out a strategy for how to honor Christ’s life in you. It is also a wonderful gift to those who have been following Christ for a long time. The “new you” might not seem so “new” any more. 

Where are the edges of your spirit that seem to be a little dulled? What has cropped up in your speech that perhaps honors Christ less than when you first began to love him? Who are the people that you have not graciously loved—over the pandemic time (or before)? Jesus himself said, “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven . . . “ (Matthew 18:18). Ask God to reveal to you those whom you have “bound” through bitterness or unforgiveness. Your “pandemic re-start” can bring out new and joyful peace in your relations with others.

Practical ways to begin:

  1. PRAYER -- It is always helpful if you begin in prayer -- begin in God’s presence. Lay before him the resentments and hurts that you know you are harboring. Try and let God separate those feelings and wounds from the individuals you feel caused them (sometimes our blame is justified, and sometimes it is not. Only God knows their hearts). Ask God to show you those who have something against you. Invite God to help you realize your own part in not being reconciled (c.f. Matthew 5:23-24).

  2. PRIORITIZING -- Privately make a list* for yourself of the attitudes you wish were more positive and pure, as well as the relationship situations you wish were more Christ-like (from your perspective or the perspective of others). Prioritize the situations on the list—from most serious to least serious.
    *A list of peoples’ names might be hurtful if found. Try to stick to situations.

  1. PLANNING -- Make a realistic plan of steps to go about improving your attitude or your practice (behavior). Even if they seem unattainable, your steps will act as a goal and a guide. Take the relationships that need intentional improving and make a plan on how to put yourself in a Christ-like position. (Remember, Christ came not to be served but to serve -- this Christ-like position is one of humility.) The Holy Spirit will be a good advisor (Counselor) with this. You don’t need to put yourself in harm’s way, or become a “doormat” for the destructive behavior of others. It is a matter of your own heart releasing fear, bitterness, and hardness. (In some cases, the forgiveness will only be realized in your own heart and life. Trust yourself to God).

  2. PATIENCE -- Be patient with yourself! Don’t try and work all of these heart issues out the first day that there are no more COVID restrictions on you. God is patient and kind. Simply try and use this big, global hiatus to “come back” more like the Christ you love and serve (John 14:15). NOTE—Jesus says this about your love, not his. His love transcends our behavior or our “works.”

While the pandemic still plagues, there is ample opportunity for special and unexpected times with God for prayer and study. Let yourself grow and come out of this time “upside down” from the patterns that were ingrained before this big change. Pray for the adventure that God has planned for you.